Feeling pretty gangster right now

So yesterday I saw the new “Lincoln” movie and the portrayal of Honest Abe was so good. The movie really made him look like a true OG and I think it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen in some time.

And while I was thinking about the movie, the above song came up into my head and then it made me think about my own life and could I honestly say that I am a gangsta?

I think about it and I have to say the answer is yes.

I moved to LA with a new job. I am good at my new job. I am great actually.

Also, I live in a pretty strange place but I make it work because I am a gangsta.

I am part of this pretty sweet church community and they keep it real like real gangstas do.

My friends are still looking after me and my family is too. That’s really gangsta.

And to think about it, even though I still struggle with a lot of other things and all the nonsense that swirls in my brain, I still make my life good and pretty fly. It’s not perfect, but I am making the best of it. That’s pretty gangsta.

Damn it feels good.

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