A discussion about race

The George Floyd death and protests is fresh on our minds. Check out the first 90 seconds of the video.


Now this is how I responded.

Hi Steve. In the one minute in this video in which you addressed the crisis that’s affecting all of us and the rest of America, you referred to it as “all of the riots and everything like that.” I wanna tell you it’s more than just that. It’s what preceded it, that is the bigger issue.
We need to address the acts of racism, murders and injustice that has occurred. We cannot only look at the ripple effect (riots) and ignore the rock of hate (centuries of oppression) that was dropped into the water.
More than ever right now, the followers of Christ need to make themselves present. The role of the church and its people is not to just stay back and pray. As we all know, “faith without action is dead.” Like Jesus, we the church are supposed to act during times of oppression and injustice.
You said this time is an “opportunity for the church to actually be the church.” But we cannot show who Christ is by simply praying. A church engages and defends the community that’s hurting, stands with the oppressed to fight injustice in the name of Christ. The people are crying for help. We shouldn’t riot and loot but surely there is more than just praying.
You call for us to share the Gospel and “convey the love of God” and we should. There must be tangible action.
The Asian and Hispanic communities have been tremendously impacted during the pandemic. The Black community has been hurting for a long time. What have we as a church done for our suffering community during this time of crisis these past months? What will it do now?

This is how he responded.

It is my personal policy to not engage in discussions like this on Facebook. (They are pointless and usually solve nothing)….I have never seen anyone change their mind because of a ‘brilliant’ argument….mine or anyone else’s. But just so you (and others) will not think I am ignoring you, here goes……
Sin is sin, Brother Sam. Whether it is racism, lying, stealing, killing, adultery, gossip, pride, etc., God doesn’t look at one worse than another one. The Lord has given me vision for Trinity that I was truly looking forward to implementing when COVID hit. I’m still eagerly anticipating carrying that forward.
I don’t minimize racism Bro. I’m twice your age and have not only seen racism longer than you, I have also experienced it in my life. In those times, I didn’t allow hateful people to dictate how I would respond back. I have also seen it outside our country on every continent when I served in the Air Force. It is not an American problem it is a sin problem. Additionally, it will not be fixed by protesting nor by crying out against it. It can only be remedied by heart transformation. Prayer does work. Prayer is the work!!!
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and RESTORE THEIR LAND!” As a pastor, that’s what I choose to preach, teach, and live.
In terms of COVID 19 help, our staff, many of our laity, and I have been helping folks as they’ve had need….to the best of our knowledge.
I won’t respond back in this venue….if you want to talk I would rather speak to you. 🙂.

That’s not how you should respond.

And this is sad that this will be my final interaction with the church I called home for 8 years. It’s just not gonna work out anymore. May God grant me peace as I search for a new church home.

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  1. Pingback: Feelings on the destruction of my old home church by a fraud pastor | Write a blog on a log, Sam I am

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