Monthly Archives: June 2014

What is a community?

During a conversation last night, the question of community was brought up: What is it?

I had always believed that a good community is a gathering of people who share the same interests, that we help and look out for each other because of the common interest.

When the conversation about what it meant to support one another within a community, I started talking without thinking. But somehow, I believe God spoke to me and gave this description.

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Filed under Faith

‘Girl Meets World’ is everything I expected and I have to deal with it

I loved the idea of them bringing back this for our nostalgia. But the moment I found out it was a Disney show, it was going to be exactly what I expected.

The audience this show caters to are pre-teens. I know. I used to watch Disney Channel in college and I just used the noise to tone out my brain. It’s not for people my age who grew up with the original show. This show was going to cater to the audience. And it did.

This is basically the first season of BMW except with girl main characters. You’ll see Cory and Topanga occasionally but that’s it. The whole show is going to be around these new characters and it’s not going to be anything we can relate to anymore.

And since it’s a Disney show, it will last maybe four seasons and that’s it. Nostalgia is great and I might give the second episode a chance. But I know I can’t expect it to be what I want it to be. The show is what it has to be and I have to live with it. The show is not for me. It’s for them.

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Filed under Television

I got to see Gabriel Iglesias again and he still is so funny

I saw Gabriel way back when before he got real famous. Now that he’s had his own show and a movie coming out, I knew that his great talents are being recognized. But when I found out he was doing a show at a small venue on Tuesday, I jumped right on it.

The show was set to start at 10PM, but didn’t start until maybe 15 minutes after that. Martin Moreno opened up with a very funny set and this is the first time I really got a chance to hear his stuff. I saw bits here and there before, but through an entire set, this guy was pretty good.

When Gabriel came on, he was all over the place. He was telling stories of the aftermath of some of his jokes and how they affect people. One joke about cake and since then, he keeps getting cakes weekly.

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Filed under Comedy

My afternoon with MC Jin was a huge blessing from God

It all started with a simple question. And any other Sunday, I would have missed the question.

This past weekend was very busy for me. I was running around from my new job, to V3con’s opening awards ceremony, to an all day adventure with more V3con and the Back to the Future screening. Physically I was drained. So the very next morning, I wasn’t feeling all too energetic. I decided to just take it easy in the morning, not rush out of the house for the men’s Sunday School at 9:30am. I knew I would just show up a little later, but I needed to just rest a little bit more in the morning.

As I was looking through Facebook, I saw the above post. Had I left my house at 9:30 like I normally do, I would have not seen it. But I did see this post and I dropped MC Jin an email.

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Filed under Faith, Music

Went to a Back to the Future screening and it was heavy

For about a over a month, I was planning to attend a screening of Back to the Future at the historic Theater at Ace Hotel. Formerly a United Artist theater, it was remodeled and for the first time since 1990, it was open to the public for movies.

I signed up knowing that Christopher Lloyd (D0c), Claudia Wells (Jennifer) and Lea Thompson (Lorraine) from the movie would be there. Lloyd would have a schedule conflict so Donald Fullilove (Goldie) came instead. Now that this was set up, let me tell you how it all went down.

I rushed right after V3con and headed towards downtown. As I drove to find parking, I saw a fat line already wrap around the block. I rushed to the line only to find out that people had in and out privileges to the theater, so it wasn’t that bad as people were walking around. Why were they walking around? Because of the above. Take a look at the DeLorean on display. You can see the almanac, the hoverboard, Mr. Fusion and everything we love about the movie in it. It played an audio track of lines from the film. I wasn’t able to touch it but I did snap a photo with it.

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Filed under Adventure, Movies

AAJA’s #V3con was an experience I will cherish forever

My journalism life.

But at the end of the day...

The Japanese American National Museum was my weekly home for almost two months. It’s a great place.

During the time between my departure from the NFL Network and my arrival at Yahoo, I was looking for something to do to occupy my time. I think that for me, I just wanted to stay connected. I wanted to stay fresh. I needed to really make myself useful.

Thanks to a suggestion of a friend, I got connected with the Asian American Journalists Association. This was a group that I had always known about. But because their meetings were far away and I was a poor college student back then, I never gave it much thought. I always thought that I would learn my way through my field in journalism without them. And so far, I was right.

But now that I am in Los Angeles and they have an LA chapter…

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Filed under Re-blog, Writing


After two years with the NFL Network, I have a new job. It was a bittersweet ending to my time with the network but after a contract dispute, I decided it was just time to move on.

Now I’m in Santa Monica editing stories that go through the mobile app. I get to read a lot of stories, edit and really be the boss. Also what’s great is that I get to travel. Sunnyvale, I’m coming for ya.

Thank God for this. I knew that I would get a new job soon, but I didn’t think it was this soon. Yahoo is great and they treat me well. They have catered food around the clock and the people believe in me and envision me being around a long time. I like purple. Always been a Yahoo fan. So happy to be here! New fun challenges awaits!

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Filed under Work

SMH Delta

This is why I don’t fly with you.

But actually…

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Filed under Twitter

All praise ClickHole

I hate seeing every other link shared on Facebook with something stupid.

Today, I saw a link shared with this headline:

Hands down… this is my absolute favorite talent show performance OF ALL…

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Filed under Facebook

Yo Facebook, Ban Links With Fake Video Play Buttons

Well, the problem isn’t the misleading images. The problem is that you are clicking links to stupid things. Look at the first few examples. None of those grab my attention. None of that should be interesting. It’s dumb.

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Filed under Facebook, Re-blog