Racism Against Asian Americans

It has been a very difficult time for Asian Americans this year. The foundation of hate in which this country was built upon is creeping its ugly head and hurting my people.

The pandemic has unleased a barrage of racist attacks towards Asian Americans. Trump is the ring leader of this, continuing to call it the “China virus” and other variations of the term even though he has been told of its hurtful connotations. And his supporters continue to choose to defend the term and its ideas over defending the people whom the term is hurting. This is an outright act of willful racism perpetuated by racists. (The virus is called “COVID-19.” Call it that. Don’t go out of your way to call it something else. Choosing to do that is an act of racism. There are no exceptions.)

The stereotypes of Asians, including the awful hurtful label of “model minority,” continue to devalue who we are. The term, which on the surface seems like a compliment, is a form of racial microaggression that stereotypes Asians and puts down other people who don’t live up to that “standard.”

Sadly this isn’t new. This country was founded on white supremacy, hating on people who are different. This is the root of America. And it continues today. How can anyone claim that this country was “great” when racism has pulsed toxic blood throughout the life stream of this nation?

I wonder what kind of power my people have in defending themselves when this kind of racism exists from all levels of power. One major way is to vote. This country has a history of voter suppression. Even the concept of having to register to vote is a form of suppression. But that should not stop us from using our power to bring forward the right leadership that will defend us, not defend hate.

I hope that this video helps bring light to some of the major issues and struggles that me and my people have to endure every single day. It’s exhausting trying to live in “the country of the free” when its own people make me feel trapped. I urge you to please consider our plight and stand with us. And for the Asian Americans, I urge you to continue to fight. Whether it’s at the voting booths, in the streets or where ever you are, you have the power. Make your voices heard.

Don’t support racism in any of its forms, including hurtful words and actions. Fight for the freedom and the equality of all. I pray that God that we can bring forth the best possible outcome in this.

This America we know now must die. It is time to build a new one. Let’s go get it.

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