Monthly Archives: August 2012

My adventure at Dodger Stadium for Vin Scully bobblehead night

I went to Dodger Stadium today. This is how it all went down!

But at the end of the day...

I have not met one baseball fan that doesn’t appreciate what Vin Scully means to the game. So when I found out the Dodgers were going to have a bobblehead day for him, I bought tickets immediately. It was something I knew I had to be a part of.

I got to the stadium really early. So early that I had to park my car near the park and wait until 4:30 for the parking gates to open up. Luckily I got there the time I did because if I had gotten there let’s say a half hour later, I would have been somewhere behind these thousand or so people.

There was yelling and pushing because when the gates opened, people that were in the back of the line that were looped around, just cut into it. Security said they couldn’t do anything and there was a lot more…

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Who Shot Rock & Roll – A photographic history (1955-Present)

Outside chaos. Inside calm. The hectic life of Bob Dylan.

Today I went to the Annenberg Space for Photography to check out their ‘Who Shot Rock & Roll’ exhibit. The exhibit is dedicated to all the photographers that have taken the iconic photos in rock history. It was free (but I paid $7.25 for parking) and it was awesome.

Due to no photography in the exhibit, I don’t have a lot of pictures. You can check them out here. I did sneak in a couple.

The history and stories behind each photo was simply amazing and just knowing where and why some of these photos were taken really gives me a bigger appreciation to photography. Plus they had a 45-minute documentary too. Very nice!

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Filed under Music, Observation, Photography

Superman is the best superhero ever!

This book was so good!

Last night I stayed up finishing up this book I bought a month ago. It was a fantastic read into the origin of the superhero, his creator and how his evolution through comic books, radio, television and onto the big screen. After reading it, it has come to my conclusion once again Superman is the best superhero of all time.

Unlike most other superheroes, Superman is just so unique in that despite all his powers, he longs to be human. Unlike the other superheroes that find solace in trying to be different, Superman (an alien) wants to hard to fit into the world and have humanly things.

That’s what makes Superman so great because his biggest danger is not any enemy, but it’s actually himself. How can he balance his calling of being an alien to protect earth versus his struggling desire to be human, to have a normal life? The dilemma to try to do the right thing when the world tells us we don’t have to.

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Filed under Books, Childhood, Faith

A New Episode of Jenny and Kyle’s Breakup Should Be On Tonight

This is why I still have my Facebook. So many times I’ve gotten sick of it and all that nonsense that comes with it. But I haven’t left it because it’s a social commentary of my friends and a lot of unnecessary drama. I still have it because I want to be entertained and quite frankly, I am really surprised how dumb some of my friends can be on the Internet.

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Filed under Facebook, Re-blog

It’s official: I am quitting Christmas

This is my concern every December…

Today I was shopping at Costco. Costco is one of the happiest places on earth for me. I was free sampling and buying things in bulk. But as I turned a corner on the aisle, I saw Christmas gift wrap, ribbons, decoration lights on sale. What the hell is going on?

It’s August and Christmas stuff is out? We haven’t even hit the other upcoming holidays yet in Halloween and Thanksgiving. And now our commercialism tells us to prepare for Christmas?

It was right then and there in Costco that I realized that I had to quit Christmas.

Actually, it’s been five years since I’ve been toying with the idea of giving up Christmas. I had worried for so long about people forgetting about Jesus that every time December rolls around, I see less Jesus and more consumption.

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Filed under Faith, Holiday

Farewell to my theory on the Oakland A’s dot racing

This is a theory that I had been working on for many years. But unfortunately, it comes to an end tonight.

But at the end of the day...

The Oakland A’s have had dot racing at the Coliseum since they had a video screen. With decades of history, dot racing has been a staple in the East Bay. The dots have always been red, white and blue and sometimes they  have even done a live version.

Since I was a kid, I have enjoyed it and the entire Coliseum crowd eats it up. But on Tuesday night, dot racing changed its colors to green, white and gold. Even though the change makes sense, it saddens me because it ends a long-time theory I had been working on for many years.

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Filed under Re-blog, Sports

Recapping my weekend back in the Bay Area

Yeah, we fresh!

I love the Bay. It’s my home. It’s my upbringing. It’s what I am about. So this past weekend I was lucky enough to have some time off work and fly up back home. I had the entire trip planned surrounded by food and baseball.

Here’s a recap of all the fun that I had, including how I was able to meet up with a lot of really important peoples in my life.

FRIDAY: The journey to LAX was time consuming. I wasn’t going to drive to the airport and park my car there for three days. So instead, I decided to take public transportation. I had to walk up and down a hill for about a mile to get to the bus stop. I took the bus ($1.50) to the Union Station in downtown. There, I took the FlyAway bus directly to the airport ($7).

During the ride to the airport, I got a chance to really relax on the bus. It was like one of those vacation tour buses and it was comfortable. I even got a chance to read this very awesome article about Rick Ross in Rolling Stone magazine.

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Filed under Discovery, Family, Food, Friends, Sports, Travel

How I lost a Twitter contest because I don’t know my neighborhood

The Dodgers are running a contest where I can get a chance to meet one of my heroes: Fernando Valenzuela. They’ll tweet a photo at 10AM of his bobblehead at a location. Go to that location, take a picture with the bobblehead, tweet it and be eligible to meet him.

I saw the tweet, but since I moved to Los Angeles only several months ago, I don’t know where any of it is. The next 10 minutes I tried to Google an address for the place but since it’s a landmark, there really isn’t an address.

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Filed under Sports, Twitter

Tentative weekend schedule for my return to the Bay Area

I’m back!

I will be returning to the Bay Area this weekend because I miss home. But it won’t be a long stay and I will try to get as much done in that time. I’ll be in the East Bay the entire time and I wish I could see everyone. But since I know that won’t happen, I’ll just do the best I can.

If anyone wants to come by say hi, I’ll be around various places. Here’s my itinerary of my weekend.

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Filed under Family, Food, Friends, Sports, Travel

We need to finish the race strong with God on our side

Our life is a race. It’s not about who finishes first. It’s just about finishing strong.

A preface to this entry: Before I moved out of San Jose for the first time in 2010, I had been attending this church down there that had their sermons on CD for people to listen. I thought that was a pretty clever thing to do for people like me that like to listen when not in church. 

When I moved down to LA, I called the church if they could send me some old sermons for my drive to LA. They did and today I listened to the final part of a series that talked about finishing the race (our life) strong with God.

With that, I feel like sharing what I learned. 


The concept of my life as a race was something that took me by storm. I never would have used that analogy. I don’t like rushing through things. I like to do things with thought and good pace. I like to do things right instead doing it first.

But when this message came to me, it took a new meaning. Races aren’t all about finishing first. For some people that know they aren’t going to win, finishing the race itself is the challenge. It’s the goal. And they want to do it right and do it strong.

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Filed under Faith