Monthly Archives: November 2016

Christmas just isn’t enjoyable for me

Christmas is supposed to be fun, right? I mean, the holiday is supposed to bring joy to people with gifts, family and joy. But not for me. Christmas has always been one of my least favorite holidays of the year. In fact, I just find the whole “holiday season” to be stressful.

I remember my friend once told me that the reason why I don’t like Christmas was because I was never rooted in a joy for the holiday because I never believed in Santa Claus. I was told that I missed out on enjoying Christmas to its fullness because I didn’t believe in Santa. Well, you tell me how I am supposed to be in Santa. I lived in a neighborhood that would shoot some guy creeping around at night into people’s houses. The house I lived in did not have a chimney. Those mall Santas all looked so different. I just didn’t believe in this guy named Santa.

Of course it didn’t help either that my parents don’t care about Santa either and never played that game. No new Christmas gifts under the tree. So yeah, Santa was fake and I had no other reason to care about this holiday.

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Filed under Faith, Holiday

Amazon commercial with priest and imam is absolutely beautiful

I just watched this. I am in tears, Beautiful.

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Filed under Faith, Television

I got Isabella a new car battery

On my way home from running errands, I tried to start my car and it wouldn’t turn on. I knew the battery was running on its last legs but I was hoping this wasn’t it. Isabella is turning five next month and I knew this was probably part of having her be running for this long.

So I called AAA and the guy came and checked it. It was the battery being low and the starter not cooperating because of it. He gave me the diagnosis and offered to change batteries right there for $116. I said I’d think about it.

I quickly looked on my phone for battery rates around the neighborhood and realized that they were more expensive. I didn’t want to chance this happening again. I got back to my guy, named Angel, and said I wanted the change. It took a minute because of the corrosion but he finally changed it.

Six-year warranty was part of it too! Not a bad birthday gift for my girl!

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Filed under Adventure

Last night I saw ‘Back to the Future’ in concert and it was heavy and amazing!

When I found out about a movie concert for Back to the Future, I was all in. I had been to a movie concert before and that was for E.T.

But this was different. This was in an intimate setting at Royce Hall at UCLA. I had never been to UCLA before. Anyway, this was by the American Youth Symphony. They would have a Q&A with Alan Silvestri, the man who composed the score for the movie and who would have to remix the score for this showing.

I got to UCLA and having never been there before, was fortunate to that they had signs to tell me where to go. After the show, I walked around for about 15 minutes lost because I could not remember where I parked. Royce Hall was gorgeous and they even had someone’s custom DeLorean out on display outside the building. This was designed to match the DeLorean right when Marty went back to 1985. After all, this was the 61st anniversary of that day.

It had the conductor hook. It had Marty’s skateboard. The flux capacitor. Everything!


Inside the hall there was a buzz. I didn’t realize that the crowd would be that fun. But I would learn that during the show.

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Filed under Movies, Music

My thoughts on the election as a non-political minority male and as a Christian

WOW! What a crazy night that was. So many twists and turns and an ending that nobody really thought would happen. But here we are. Donald Trump will be our next president.

There are a lot of thoughts going on in my head and I want to share them. I don’t really care if you read it. I don’t care if you agree or not. But I do want to at least share my thoughts on it in hopes that we can have better dialogue together. Because even though we are at a time with this country is so divided, I still want to believe that we all will be OK. I hope that we will still be a united country.

But before I even go into my thoughts, I will tell you everything about my political views so that you understand me better. You may not agree with my viewpoint but I want to be honest. Maybe being honest is the way we need to be to help each other.  Continue reading


Filed under Politics

‘Oasis: Supersonic’ was absolutely amazing

Last night I finally saw this documentary. I was so glad that LA was hosting it for a few more night so I can see it in theaters. I know they now have it available for streaming and all but seeing it in theaters was special.

I knew about the discord between Noel and Liam but this movie gave me the whole story about the early three years of the band. I love this band but I didn’t know much about their formation, their drive and all the drama that came in between their first two albums.

This documentary taught me a lot and it was great to have the two tell their story. Honestly, I appreciate the band more and what they accomplished in those three years. Absolutely amazing!

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Filed under Movies, Music

Starbucks and coffee drinkers and anti-Christmas nonsense

I remember last year people got all offended because Starbucks released red cups that had minimal design. I didn’t understand. Like what was the reason for the outrage?

Then I realized. I don’t drink coffee. I don’t have a weird warped concept of reality because of coffee.

The more I think about it, the more I wanted to see people angry. Yeah! Starbucks is anti-Christ or something because their cups are are the foundation of my faith or some kind of nonsense.

Anyway, people were freaking out about these new green cups. Hahahaha! Well, it’s too early for Christmas cups. Well, actually, it isn’t. Christmas has been around since August because our corporate greed tells us this. Man I hate what Christmas has become.

Anyway, look at that link and see all the dumb overreactions. Man, it’s just a coffee cup. But of course, I don’t drink coffee so I think I may have a grasp on reality.

Coffee drinkers need their Jesus cups from Starbucks or else the whole system is the anti-Christ during this late-year holiday season in which we can’t mention anything that will offend anyone.

Coffee drinkers, am I right?

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Filed under Comedy, Faith, Observation