Tag Archives: Disney

Disney’s new ‘Mulan’ film is a cultural representation disaster like its animated predecessor

The story of Mulan (花木蘭) is a story that I grew up with. As a Chinese kid, this was one of the most important stories that I had to know. It is similar to America’s Johnny Appleseed story. The story originated from a ballad but has now become one of the most important folklore in Chinese culture.

Trying to create this beautiful story into a movie is a daunting task. It’s been done many times but for a mega company like Disney to take it on was a great joy for me in 1998. Finally, my people’s faces and story gets a spotlight on the big stage. The people of America and around the world will get a chance to my people. We don’t get the spotlight very much so this is very special to me. I was hopeful that the movie would do the Chinese culture and people justice.

It did not.

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