Tag Archives: Running on Empty

Running on empty faith

Running on E is not cool. Running on E in faith is even worse.

This morning as I was reading my devotional, which I still struggle to do consistently and with a full heart, I read something that Rick Warren wrote that stood out to me.

Faith is more than something you just feel. Many people confuse emotions and feelings with faith. They come to church and they are moved emotionally, they’re inspired, and they’re stimulated. They get a quiver in their liver and say, “Oh, man! I’m moved!”

And they go out after the service and maybe they even cried a little or felt God’s presence. But just because you feel God’s presence, doesn’t mean you have real faith. There’s a big difference between faith and feeling.

James says faith is not mere sentimentality. You go out on the street and you see some homeless person who’s destitute. They’re poor, they’re hungry, they’re cold, and they need clothing and shelter. And you walk up to them and say, “Well, I’ll pray for you.”

That’s not faith. Faith is compassionate. How many times did Jesus say, or it was said about him, “He was moved with compassion for people.” Faith is practical. It gets involved in people’s hurts. And when you see a need, you do something about it. That’s real faith.

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