Daily Archives: July 6, 2011

My birthday is coming up and it’s kind of meh to me

So my birthday is this Friday and this is how I feel about it.

OK, well, not to that extent, but somewhat a little close. I don’t care about birthdays and I think after I turned 10, the entire concept was lost on me. Since my birthday is in July, I was never around friends during the summer. I didn’t have opportunities to celebrate and after a while, I just never threw gatherings or anything. I kinda didn’t want the attention.

I feel that a birthday should be a celebration of the parents and what they did to make sure you were alive. Besides, do we need to really make a big deal of birthdays? It’s just another day on the calendar.

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Facebook and Skype join forces to introduce video calling

Group chatting.

Facebook and Skype have tag teamed to introduce video calling. Essentially, it’s just like Skype except on Facebook. And since I am on Facebook often, this is good.

The thing about Skype is that it’s a totally different thing and that I never used it just because it is different. But since I already have my friends on Facebook, it makes it much easier just to log into Facebook to chat. Plus, the introduction shows that the connection and download is a piece of cake.

With that in place, I think I will be a user of this new video chat. I don’t know who I would like to talk to with it, but I am very sure that it would make some conversations a little easier to communicate.

Now with a new design, group chatting and video calling, Facebook is growing bigger and bigger!

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