Tag Archives: Asians

Racism Against Asian Americans

It has been a very difficult time for Asian Americans this year. The foundation of hate in which this country was built upon is creeping its ugly head and hurting my people.

The pandemic has unleased a barrage of racist attacks towards Asian Americans. Trump is the ring leader of this, continuing to call it the “China virus” and other variations of the term even though he has been told of its hurtful connotations. And his supporters continue to choose to defend the term and its ideas over defending the people whom the term is hurting. This is an outright act of willful racism perpetuated by racists. (The virus is called “COVID-19.” Call it that. Don’t go out of your way to call it something else. Choosing to do that is an act of racism. There are no exceptions.)

The stereotypes of Asians, including the awful hurtful label of “model minority,” continue to devalue who we are. The term, which on the surface seems like a compliment, is a form of racial microaggression that stereotypes Asians and puts down other people who don’t live up to that “standard.”

Sadly this isn’t new. This country was founded on white supremacy, hating on people who are different. This is the root of America. And it continues today. How can anyone claim that this country was “great” when racism has pulsed toxic blood throughout the life stream of this nation?

I wonder what kind of power my people have in defending themselves when this kind of racism exists from all levels of power. One major way is to vote. This country has a history of voter suppression. Even the concept of having to register to vote is a form of suppression. But that should not stop us from using our power to bring forward the right leadership that will defend us, not defend hate.

I hope that this video helps bring light to some of the major issues and struggles that me and my people have to endure every single day. It’s exhausting trying to live in “the country of the free” when its own people make me feel trapped. I urge you to please consider our plight and stand with us. And for the Asian Americans, I urge you to continue to fight. Whether it’s at the voting booths, in the streets or where ever you are, you have the power. Make your voices heard.

Don’t support racism in any of its forms, including hurtful words and actions. Fight for the freedom and the equality of all. I pray that God that we can bring forth the best possible outcome in this.

This America we know now must die. It is time to build a new one. Let’s go get it.

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Shame on this Asian-American woman

Watch the video and pay attention to the Asian-American woman.

The first shame is that she appears to be ignorant to every single dish presented to her. Even if it isn’t from her culture, she should know of it. I don’t know if she’s white-washed (maybe) or not but it was shocking to see her react a certain way.

At the end, she kind of had a disgusted face when she talked about Asians eating things.

Maybe I’m just selfish in wanting all Asians in America to actually know something about their culture. She just seemed so shocked that these things exist.

I would eat all of the dishes presented to me with no problem. I’ve had half of them before.

But shame on those who appear disgusted or ignorant to their origins.

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Taking off your shoes in an Asian household goes wrong and how the emergency box saved me

Thanks to my emergency box, my foot is OK!

Most of you know the unwritten rule that when you enter an Asian household, you need to take off your shoes. Well, since a kid, that has been embedded in me and I have gone with it. It makes sense (to keep carpet clean) and it’s practical. In all my years of doing it, nothing has ever gone wrong… until tonight.

I live in a house full of Asian people and naturally, I take off my shoes inside. And since I live here, I am barefoot. But while walking, I stepped on something sharp. I didn’t notice it at first until the bottom of my foot started to feel funny. I looked at it and there was this deep cut. Very nasty. I ran immediately up the stairs to the bathroom to try to run my foot under cold water.

And in the process, my bloody foot got blood on the carpet. Totally not cool. And once after I ran my foot in cold water, I realized I had no bandages. What was I going to do?

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People need to chill out about the “Asians in the Library” video that’s making waves on the Internet

So this is what everybody and their mamas are talking about on my Facebook feed. There’s been a lot of negative feedback and people now are probably finding ways to get this girl.

***And thanks to some Internet searching, everyone knows her name, her e-mail address, where she goes to school and what she studies.

When this video was first posted on Facebook, I didn’t even bother to watch it. I didn’t know what it was, but it looked dumb. Then eventually more people started to talk about it and I finally watched it. And I think my reaction to this is a WHOLE LOT different than most people’s reactions.

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