Tag Archives: Commercial

Worst Christmas car commercial ever


Probably the worst Christmas commercial I have ever seen. This company, along with Apple’s “What’s a computer?”, is so far removed from reality.

The car bow commercials have existed for years, but it’s been so ingrained into this boy’s mind that every Christmas he expects to see a new car parked outside. This is not normal behavior. This is also not reality. Where in the world where this type of mindset and expectations are normal things you allow your kid to live with?

These commercials have warped this boy’s mind where even into his adulthood, he hopes that someone would just gift him a brand new luxury car. SMH.


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Amazon commercial with priest and imam is absolutely beautiful

I just watched this. I am in tears, Beautiful.

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Filed under Faith, Television

I don’t even Bank of America but this commercial makes me smile

I don’t even care what the commercial is about.

Listen to the song.

You hear that?

You recognize that?

Continue reading

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Filed under Music, Television

Who would buy this Justice Coin?

I just saw a commercial for this on Comedy Central. Is this for real? This is pretty silly to commemorate something like this with a coin. Maybe I’m not your typical American, but is this even that important to commemorate with a coin?

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Filed under Television

LeBron’s new Nike commercial just gave me a real negative feeling about him

That is the new commercial that Nike just put out featuring LeBron James. And I must say, it just felt real evil.

Throughout the entire commercial, James poses questions asking fans what he should have done. In the commercial you see him during “The Decision” and he starts thinking back on things that he did (some good, some viewed as bad) and then some other random ideas of what he could have done.

The point of the commercial, to me, is with Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” is to tell fans that LeBron did what he wanted to do. He’s not going to be influenced by everyone else. Essentially, it’s just a big F-U to everyone.

The way I interpret it, it’s just a commercial where he’s in the center of everything. That our feelings don’t matter to him. And yes, to an extent he can’t worry about our feelings. But to once again rub it into our face and tell us that? Not a good move.

Nike is known for making good commercials with athletes. But with now Tiger Woods and LeBron James using Nike to restore their image, I don’t know. I just see money and lots of heavily influenced PR all around (and not the good kind — if there is any).

Here’s Tiger’s commercial. It’s not as bad as LeBron’s but it was really bold. Really bold to use audio of his father to help save his image.

Anyway, both these commercials really don’t help improve the image I have on either of these guys.


Filed under Sports, YouTube