Tag Archives: Faithbox

The whole Faithbox idea is absurd

This is Faithbox. They are a subscription company that sends Christian things every month. For $25 per box (or $22 per box if you go for a yearly plan) they will send you Christian items based on a theme. The theme you see above is money. So they will send you money-related Christian things like how to handle it, how to tithe… and oh look, a wallet with Faithbox’s logo on it.

What a strange concept. I know that the subscription box concept is designed for people who are fans. (I know. That is my profession.) You can be fans of TV shows, music artists, movies, etc. But can you really be a fan of Christianity? No. Christianity is not something you be a fan of in life. It’s a lifestyle. You are fans of creations made by other people. The Christian faith is not that.

So it’s very strange that this thing exists. And I would assume it was created by Christians. So people are asked to give money to an organization for something to receive an unknown entity (what’s inside the box) in hopes that it will answer questions they may be having in their lives.

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