Tag Archives: Rose Parade

At the Rose Parade and I talked with a Christian with a big sign and a pre-recorded message

Every year since I have moved to SoCal, I have always attended the Rose Parade. It’s a fun thing that I wanted to do since I was a kid and now that I live here, I make it a priority to attend every year. It’s fun and I like to just watch the floats, people watch and just see the excitement. But one of the things that I have adopted is to talk with the people who hold up the big Jesus signs.

You know who they are. Like the photo of the one on the right I took today. They hold these big signs with verses from the Bible that call for people to repent, follow Jesus or eternal damnation will happen.

I am fascinated by these people. One, they are very vocal and very loud. Is it good? Is it bad? I don’t know.

The second reason why I like them is because they got major balls to be so bold in faith like this. I have to talk to them. So I have in years past. I did it again today.

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Filed under Adventure, Faith

I went to the Rose Parade again to talk to those people with big Jesus signs

The signs invaded the Rose Parade before the parade went through.

As you know, every year on January 1st since I moved to LA I have always attended the Rose Parade. It’s a great parade and I love all the floats. But with the parade comes the Jesus Scare Freaks. These guys are either waving their big signs of salvation or using megaphones to promote their message of Jesus.

I mean, it’s a great thing to me. I never found the method effective but I have talked to them and found out that their conviction and determination is really admirable. It’s something I would never have the balls to do. After all, I don’t even know if I would be able to say anything to get people’s attention to listen about Jesus.

After talking to a sign holder last year, I decided this year I had to approach someone with a megaphone. I didn’t find one but I did find a guy holding a big sign with a pre-recorded message blaring out of his mini-speaker. Maybe people within a 50 feet radius could hear the message. I approached the guy and asked him why he was doing this. I had to clarify that I was a believer and I knew why he was doing what he was doing. But wanted to know why he thought this method was effective. I didn’t get his name so I will call him Josh.

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Filed under Adventure, Faith

I fell asleep before midnight on New Year’s Eve

That’s right. I just don’t care. I went to bed at 11PM and that’s it. Not a fan of New Year’s Day, as you all know. It’s just another day. I don’t know why people make a big deal out of it. Whatever. I am now fully rested and on my way to the Rose Bowl Parade. Yes!!!!

I hope this time I get a chance to mingle with the Jesus Freaks on the megaphone and get their thoughts on certain thing. Who knows how this will turn out?

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Filed under Adventure, Holiday

A conversation with a Bible verse picketer

A blog post I wrote about my experience at the Rose Parade. Those men with picketing signs of Bible verses always scared me. But I finally had the courage to meet and talk with one of them. What I learned opened up my eyes.

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Filed under Faith, Re-blog